
Contract Manager



  1. What is «Contract Manager»?
  2. New in this release
  3. Remark for macOS 10.12.x Sierra
  4. Access to calendar, reminders and contacts
  5. Start application
  6. Operation of «Contract Manager»
  7. Touchbar
  8. Add a new contract
  9. Add and change termination date in calendar
  10. Remove termination date from calendar
  11. Edit contract
  12. Mark contract as inactive
  13. Duplicate contract
  14. Delete contract
  15. Search contract
  16. Filter contracts
  17. Sort contracts
  18. Add, rename or delete attachment
  19. Manage Contractors
  20. Add contractor from address book
  21. Manage contractor with «Contract Manager»
  22. Remove contractor from contract
  23. Send E-Mail notification to contractor
  24. Manage categories
  25. Add price increases into the history
  26. Edit history of price increases
  27. Get a graphical overview of the price increase
  28. Export graphical overview of price increase
  29. Report contracts
  30. Graphical overview of all contracts
  31. Overview of all contracts
  32. Printing
  33. Export as CSV file
  34. Export as XLSX file
  35. Import data from CSV file
  36. Preferences
  37. Help Menu
  38. Share this app... (Mail, Message (iMessage), Twitter, Facebook)
  39. Backup all data
  40. Restore all data
  41. More apps from @pps4Me
  42. Contact us